Two days ago, I heard a loud crash in the house. I reluctantly followed the sound to our master closet and found that the entire shelving system in the walk-in closet fell!!!! I just stood there for a couple minutes contemplating what I should do. I just wanted to ignore the mess and let Bryan deal with it when he came home. But, I decided that the least I
could do for my DH, was to clean up the mess. But where does one put all of that stuff??? On every inch of space of the bedroom, including the bed of course. Goodness, now I have given myself even more work, b/c I will have to come up with something to do with the stuff if we want to sleep. So I decided to plan storage options. I made myself some graph paper and sketched out exactly what we would need. Then I ran to Lowes to get all of the supplies. (With the two kids in tow, as I load up 8ft long pieces of metal shelving. . .) THEN, I get to the checkout and discover I might have a problem getting these huge pieces in my Chevy Cobalt with the two kids. Thankfully, I was able to put Jack and his car seat in the front seat (yes, that is legal), fold his back seat down, and everything JUST fit in! Bryan was then able to assemble everything when he got home from work and we were in bed around 1am.
Next project for the week. Jack, the hairbear. Jack has such thick bushy hair, that it gets out of control quickly. I am tired of paying for haircuts every 3-4 weeks for him, so I have decided to try cutting his hair. It went quite well. He fussed a little bit, but ultimately sat still enough for me to get his hair pretty even. I should have taken a before picture, just so you could see how crazy he looked before.
Sorry it has taken me so long to post again, but we had Vacation Bible School all this week in the evening, which kind of threw my nightly blogging plan out of whack. Hopefully I will do better this week!