At the top, you will see that we have learned to celebrate New Orleans style. We arranged to have Santa come visit at our clubhouse and then we had a Christmas parade. We rode in a trailer right behind Santa. Audrey loved it! She was so excited that Santa was so close to her. During the parade we threw candy and, of course, beads.
Jack's Elf of the Shelf, brought activities and treats for the kids everyday. One day, the kids got a foam gingerbread house. Jack had a lot of fun putting it together, and it was much less messy that the standard gingerbread house. Although we did get a real gingerbread train from the homeschool group, so we did have some real mess in the house. Oh, and I made the shirt Jack is wearing.

The kids and Bryan all dressed up for Christmas Eve service. I went too, but someone had to take the picture!
The kids hanging their stockings Christmas Eve. They are wearing jammy pants that I made.
Audrey got baby dolls and a stroller for Christmas. She just loves taking care of her babies!