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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pictures for Grammies

Grammie Ann made this quilt for Audrey.  The purple and green in the quilt go well with the wall colors.  She also made two matching pillow cases.

The quilt has three "column" panels, which fit perfectly with the bed.  The center panel is on top of the bed and the side panels hang over the sides.

Last night I sewed up a taffeta dress for Audrey that might be used for my sister's wedding.  We'll see.  It didn't take low to sew up and the fabric was pretty cheap.  I am at least improving my sewing skills!

I usually make a colorful sash for this dress, but I think a pretty lace would look nice, while also making the dress fit better.

The purple poof doesn't show unless she's climbing on things.

I am going to try and find a chiffon in a darker purple/plum and add another layer to the bottom so the color matches my sister's color scheme and so that the dress is pouffed a little more.

And yes, this is how they are much of the time.  They are either playing rough (which eventually ends in tears for one or both of them) or they are cuddling/playing together nicely much of the time.  But bring out a camera and this is what you get.  Two hams!

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